January mommies
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January mommies

All mommies from WTE Welcome

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We are going to MOVE to the other Forum....PLEASE COME WITH US!!!

3 posters

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So, since everyone is divided I have decided to shut this forum down. I'll leave it for another couple days just so noone misses the move. It is pretty easy to sign up and navigate on the other site. Also Deidre probably knows what she's doing more than me. I just want us all to stick together. You can copy your codes in your siggy if you made one here into your siggy over there and it works great. She also has help for things posted. Also I LOVE that there is a chat that is part of the site. And there are all the smiley's there too!!!! Can't wait for us to be in one place...Love you ladies!!
The other site is




I had to do something because I REALLY need to be doing homework for the last two days that was due by yesterday at 8 AM...but I have been SOOO sidetracked with this site moving and everything I haven't done anything....so it's really for the greater good...lol




i'm so glad this was decided. i was getting a little stressed Surprised) i'm so sad. lol! thanks, ona! it really speaks volumes that you jumped in and did this so quickly so we could all state connected.



Thanks. I just really didn't want us all to lose touch. All of the January mommies mean too much to me. I feel like I would be lost without all of you. We are going to MOVE to the other Forum....PLEASE COME WITH US!!! Icon_flower



Darn it! I exceeded the amount of attempts. I have to try to register again. Grrr We are going to MOVE to the other Forum....PLEASE COME WITH US!!! Icon_mad

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